Tips for Making a Craft Project Your Own
Tips for Making a Craft Project Your Own
How to Customize a Craft Project
How do you make a craft your own? How do you put your special spin on a DIY project so that it doesn’t look like everyone elses? If you’re like me, you have Pinterest boards stuffed with great craft ideas. You’ve watched amazing tutorials. You’ve taken pictures of stuff at Hobby Lobby. Let’s face it, you have lots of ideas. So why don’t you get more of those ideas off the paper?
Probably because those ideas are almost perfect, but not quite.
What’s missing is you. The ideas aren’t quite you.
Makes sense! She’s not you. As a long-time blogger and I tell you that we might start off trying to create crafts and tutorials with wide appeal but it never works because DIY might stand for do-it-yourself but it really means do-it-FOR-yourself. Otherwise, you’d just go to Home Goods and find something “close enough”, buy it, hang it, and go out for ice cream.
When you’re making something FOR yourself, you want it to be unique. Here are some do’s and dont’s for changing a craft idea just enough to make it yours.
Here’s how to get your Muse back!
Here’s 7 Tips to make turn your dream project into a reality!
DO change the colors or the pattern to match your style and your home. For example, you can modernize a farmhouse style project by changing out colors and fonts and by NOT distressing anything.
DO upgrade some of the supplies. I never disappointed when I opt for a better quality item. When it comes to crafts you can literally SEE quality.
DON’T downgrade the supplies. Dollar Store crafts are popular because we all dream of great projects on the cheap. I’ve never made a Dollar Store craft I really liked because they look cheap. I’m not always against downgrades because sometimes you have no choice, but realize that it will make your project less amazing.
DON’T make it unless your heart is in the game. Making things for your home to save money is noble but if you’re not excited about the project then you’ll never spend the time necessary to make it well and it will probably wind up unfinished in your closet.
Check out my LIVE Chat & Craft replay where I made Jennifer Maker’s Halloween Countdown Witch’s Hat! It was so fun and it looks NOTHING like hers–isn’t that great? I made it my own. You can check out her tutorial and get her free cut file here it you want to make your own version.
Feeling Witchy? Here’s the BEST Witch Hat Tutorial a cool Witch’s Brew Cocoa Bar Printable and an Amazing Old Black Magic Vinyl Sign to check out!
DO add embellishments and layers. Y’all know I’m not a minimalist when it comes to crafting. Mimimalist craft projects are much harder than they look! You have to use only high quality supplies and you have to pay close attention to the details. Craft projects can look flat and lifeless if they’re too simple–especially when working with cheaper supplies like paper. If your project doesn’t look quite right, it’s probably because it needs a little something extra.
DO have fun with it. You will have projects that don’t work out. You’ll also have projects that you thought would be dumb that turned out amazing. That’s just DIY life. You have to enjoy the journey.
DO craft often. If you’re hanging out on this blog then, girl, you are a MAKER! No sense pretending otherwise. When making stuff is in your blood then you’re just not happy if you aren’t doing it regularly–so do it often. Exercise those creative muscles that make women better problem solvers–the world needs more of you.
Have fun with your projects. Craft with friends. If you don’t have crafty friends, then I have great news! Now you do! You have me (please pick me, please pick me). I host a weekly Craft and Chat show LIVE in our Crafting Is My Therapy Facebook Group. You can craft along with me, or do your own thing because I know that’s what you’ll do anyway, but I’ll be right there next to you crafting away.